: Mon-Fri 9am to 6pm

Web App Pentesting

Web applications are some of the most vulnerable information systems within an organization. Web application penetrations testing can see if any of the vulnerabilities in your application are exploitable.

At Cyberguard6, we have some of the best security experts in the industry. With a web application penetration test, we will attempt to get user and administration credentials to login to any open port available. From there, we will look to escalate our privileges and obtain critical information about your organization.

Network Pentesting

Network penetration testing helps to safeguard corporate networks from malicious activities cyberattacks by preventing discovering vulnerabilities would otherwise allow unauthorized access to sensitive data.

Cyberguard6 champions itself on a proactive network penetration testing methodology, which focuses on the continuous monitoring and assessment of network systems to identify vulnerabilities prior to malicious activities. We perform simulated penetration testing of your entire organizational network, web and mobile applications, connected devices, and corporate website. Our highly-trained security consultants specialize in red and blue teaming, white box and black box penetration testing methodology that ensures no disruption to business operation.

Mobile App Pentesting

As the mobile technology space continues to evolve, organizations seek efficient ways to enhance business operations and services, including financial transactions, e-healthcare services, digital communication requirements, national security and defense, etc. Therefore, the security and privacy of data that is stored, processed, and transmitted via mobile devices and applications have become one of the challenging domains in cybersecurity.

At Cyberguard6, we collaborate with small to mid-sized organizations to conduct targeted mobile application penetration testing, which includes the collection and analysis of information; analysis of source codes and mobile hosting platforms; controlled exploitation of discovered vulnerabilities, and much more. Upon the discovery and controlled exploitation of the threats, risks, and vulnerabilities within a computing environment, we provide remedial recommendations for stakeholders decision-making processes.

Physical Pentesting

Although technical security controls, such as multi-factor authentication, encrypted web applications, and hardened networks and servers, are critical for protecting sensitive data, they alone are incapable of assuring the physical security for tangible business assets, including printers, laptops, physical logbooks, etc.

At Cyberguard6, our physical penetration testing involves assessments of biometric and RFID systems for ingress and egress access points, CCTV surveillance and alarm systems, security lighting, terminal logging procedures, and office security practices. We identify security flaws in existing physical security controls and evaluate the probability and impact of exploitation to an organization.

Our team of highly trained security pen-testers will collaborate with your organization to offer scalable detective, preventive, and corrective physical security measures to help maintain the confidentiality, integrity, availability, and privacy of critical business assets.

Incident Response

A cybersecurity attack is capable of causing irreparable damages to an organization’s business operation, thus resulting in the loss of critical assets. Whether or not an organization will experience a cybersecurity attack is simply a matter of time. Therefore, an organization’s preparedness to respond to cybersecurity incidents is crucial to ensuring business recovery and operational continuity.

At Cyberguard6, our cybersecurity professionals are positioned to help small to mid-sized organizations to develop and manage comprehensive incident response plans with robust implementation measures. Our cost-effective approach to incident response is guaranteed to reduce recovery time, resolve budgetary constraints, and synchronize seamlessly with any computing environment. Contact us to learn how we can help your organization lead cybersecurity response procedures to incidents and attacks within your computing environment.

Social Engineering

Cyber adversaries, as part of their reconnaissance attempt, implemented diverse social engineering campaign techniques, including phishing, spear-phishing, vishing, etc. Our specialized cybersecurity awareness training program is positioned to introduce tabletop exercises and attack simulations designed to reiterate critical cybersecurity best practices and equip global workforces to better handle risks facing small to mid-sized organizations.

Cyberguard6 security experts will train your workforce to identify unique tactics deployed by malicious actors, as well as prevention solutions to help organizations effectively respond to social engineering incidents, thus safeguarding your organization's critical information assets.

Vulnerability Assessment

We provide customizable vulnerability assessment processes, well-suited to deliver detailed security findings, progress tracking during the remediation process, and mitigation recommendations for robust computing environments. Our vulnerability assessment helps to define, identify, and classify cyber-risk probability, measure impact, and recommend remedial measures.

At Cyberguard6, our vulnerability assessment expertise include:

  • Network-based and host-based scans of cloud-based infrastructures, on-premise servers, and workstations.
  • Wireless network scans of virtual communication networks.
  • Software application scans to detect known software vulnerabilities.